September 21, 2024

Portugal is a country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. It is bordered by Spain to the east and north and by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south. Portugal has an area of 92,212 square kilometers (35,565 square miles), making it the 111th largest country in the world and the 21st largest country in Europe.

Portugal has a long and rich history, dating back to the Roman Empire. It was one of the first countries to explore the world, and its empire once stretched from Brazil to Japan. Portugal is a member of the European Union and the Eurozone. It is a popular tourist destination, known for its beaches, its food, and its wine.

Portugal is a diverse country, with a variety of landscapes, from the mountains of the north to the beaches of the south. It is also a country with a rich culture, with a long tradition of art, music, and literature.

how large is portugal?

Portugal is a country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. It is bordered by Spain to the east and north and by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south. Portugal has an area of 92,212 square kilometers (35,565 square miles), making it the 111th largest country in the world and the 21st largest country in Europe.

  • Area: 92,212 square kilometers (35,565 square miles)
  • Rank: 111th largest country in the world, 21st largest country in Europe
  • Population: 10.3 million
  • Capital: Lisbon
  • Official language: Portuguese
  • Currency: Euro
  • Government: Parliamentary republic
  • Member of: European Union, Eurozone
  • GDP: $239.2 billion (nominal, 2022)
  • GDP per capita: $23,200 (nominal, 2022)

These key aspects provide a comprehensive overview of the size of Portugal, including its area, rank, population, capital, official language, currency, government, membership of international organizations, GDP, and GDP per capita. Portugal is a relatively small country in terms of area, but it is a significant player in the European Union and the global economy.


The area of Portugal is a fundamental aspect in understanding its size and geographic characteristics. It provides a quantitative measure of the country’s landmass, enabling comparisons with other countries and regions.

  • Geographic Significance: Portugal’s area places it among the medium-sized countries in Europe. It is larger than countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, but smaller than countries like Spain, France, and Germany.
  • Population Density: The area of Portugal, in relation to its population of around 10.3 million, gives an indication of its population density. Portugal has a relatively high population density compared to other European countries, with around 112 people per square kilometer.
  • Natural Resources: The area of Portugal encompasses diverse landscapes, including mountains, forests, and coastline. This variety of terrain influences the distribution of natural resources, such as minerals, water, and agricultural land.
  • Economic Development: The area of Portugal plays a role in its economic development. The country’s natural resources, such as its fertile soil and strategic location on the Iberian Peninsula, have contributed to its agricultural and tourism industries.

In summary, the area of Portugal, 92,212 square kilometers (35,565 square miles), provides valuable insights into the country’s size, geographic features, population density, natural resources, and economic development. It allows for comparisons with other countries and regions, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of Portugal’s place in the world.


The rank of Portugal as the 111th largest country in the world and the 21st largest country in Europe provides valuable insights into its size and global standing.

  • Global Comparison: Portugal’s rank in the world indicates its relative size compared to other countries. Being the 111th largest country means that there are 110 countries with a larger landmass than Portugal. This ranking places Portugal in the category of medium-sized countries on a global scale.
  • European Context: Within Europe, Portugal’s rank as the 21st largest country highlights its position among European nations. It is larger than many of its European neighbors, including countries like Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.
  • Geographic Implications: The rank of Portugal is not just a number but has real-world implications. It influences factors such as the country’s political power, economic influence, and resource allocation. A larger country typically has more resources, a larger population, and a stronger voice in international affairs.
  • Historical Perspective: Portugal’s rank has changed over time. In the past, Portugal was a global empire with vast territories around the world. However, over the centuries, its empire declined, and its rank has gradually shifted.

In summary, Portugal’s rank as the 111th largest country in the world and the 21st largest country in Europe provides a comprehensive view of its size and global standing. It allows for comparisons with other countries, highlights its position within Europe, and has implications for the country’s political, economic, and geographic characteristics.


The population of Portugal, estimated at 10.3 million, is a defining aspect of the country’s size and overall characteristics. It is closely intertwined with the concept of “how large is Portugal?” as it provides valuable insights into the country’s human geography.

  • Population Density and Distribution: The population of Portugal is not evenly distributed across the country. The coastal regions, particularly around Lisbon and Porto, are more densely populated, while the interior regions have a lower population density. Understanding the population distribution helps assess the country’s urbanization patterns and regional development.
  • Economic Implications: The size of Portugal’s population has significant implications for its economy. A larger population generally means a larger workforce, which can contribute to economic growth. However, it also brings challenges such as providing employment opportunities, housing, and infrastructure.
  • Resource Allocation: The population of Portugal influences the allocation of resources, such as healthcare, education, and social services. A larger population requires more resources to meet the needs of its citizens.
  • Environmental Impact: The size of the population can impact the environment. A larger population generally leads to increased resource consumption, waste generation, and pollution. Understanding the relationship between population and environmental sustainability is crucial for long-term planning and policymaking.

In summary, the population of Portugal, at 10.3 million, is a key factor in determining the country’s size and characteristics. It influences population density and distribution, has economic implications, affects resource allocation, and impacts the environment. Considering the population in relation to “how large is Portugal?” provides a comprehensive view of the country’s human geography and its implications for various aspects of Portuguese society.


The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, plays a significant role in understanding the country’s size and characteristics, contributing to the overall concept of “how large is Portugal?”.

Firstly, Lisbon’s status as the capital city implies that it is the political and administrative center of Portugal. As the seat of government and home to key institutions, Lisbon’s influence extends beyond its geographical boundaries. The concentration of decision-making and policy formulation in Lisbon has implications for the entire country, shaping its development and resource allocation.

Secondly, Lisbon is the largest city in Portugal, with a population of around 2.8 million people. This makes it a major economic and cultural hub, attracting businesses, skilled workers, and tourists. Lisbon’s economic vitality contributes to Portugal’s overall economic output and growth. Furthermore, as a cultural center, Lisbon showcases Portugal’s rich heritage and contemporary arts scene, influencing the country’s national identity and international image.

Moreover, Lisbon’s strategic location on the Atlantic coast has historically influenced Portugal’s size and global reach. The city’s natural harbor and proximity to major sea routes played a pivotal role in Portugal’s maritime exploration and empire-building during the Age of Discoveries. Lisbon’s port continues to be a crucial gateway for trade and tourism, connecting Portugal to the world.

In summary, understanding “Capital: Lisbon” is an essential aspect of comprehending “how large is Portugal?”. Lisbon’s political, economic, and historical significance contribute to Portugal’s overall size, characteristics, and place in the world.

Official language

The fact that Portuguese is the official language of Portugal is closely intertwined with the concept of “how large is Portugal?”. It is not just a matter of linguistic identity but also has implications for the country’s size, culture, and global connections.

  • National Unity and Identity: Portuguese is a unifying force that binds together the diverse regions of Portugal, creating a sense of national cohesion and shared identity. It serves as a common language for communication, education, and cultural expression, fostering a sense of belonging among Portuguese citizens.
  • Cultural Heritage and Diversity: The Portuguese language is a repository of Portugal’s rich cultural heritage, reflecting centuries of history, traditions, and cultural exchange. It embodies the country’s unique blend of European, African, and Asian influences, showcasing its cultural diversity and global connections.
  • Global Reach and Influence: Portuguese is spoken by over 250 million people worldwide, primarily due to Portugal’s colonial past. As the official language of several countries in Africa, Asia, and South America, Portuguese extends Portugal’s linguistic and cultural influence beyond its physical borders, contributing to the country’s global presence and soft power.
  • Economic and Political Implications: The Portuguese language plays a significant role in Portugal’s economy and politics. It is the language of commerce, industry, and international relations, facilitating trade, investment, and diplomatic ties with other Portuguese-speaking countries. Moreover, Portuguese is the official language of the European Union, further enhancing Portugal’s economic and political connections within Europe.

In conclusion, the Portuguese language is not merely a linguistic attribute but an integral part of understanding “how large is Portugal?”. It shapes the country’s national identity, preserves its cultural heritage, extends its global reach, and influences its economic and political landscape. By considering the official language in relation to Portugal’s size and characteristics, we gain a deeper appreciation of the country’s multifaceted nature and its place in the world.


The adoption of the Euro as Portugal’s currency is closely intertwined with the concept of “how large is Portugal?”. It signifies the country’s integration into the European Union and the Eurozone, which has significant implications for Portugal’s size, economy, and global standing.

Firstly, joining the Eurozone has contributed to Portugal’s economic stability and growth. By adopting a common currency with other European countries, Portugal has reduced currency exchange rate risks and transaction costs, facilitating trade and investment. The Euro’s stability has also helped control inflation and maintain a favorable investment climate.

Secondly, the Euro has played a role in Portugal’s international competitiveness. As a member of the Eurozone, Portugal’s businesses and consumers can more easily participate in the European single market, competing on a more level playing field with other European companies.

Furthermore, adopting the Euro has enhanced Portugal’s global standing and influence. As part of the Eurozone, Portugal has a stronger voice in international financial and economic forums, contributing to the shaping of European and global economic policies.

In summary, the Euro’s significance extends beyond its monetary function. It is a symbol of Portugal’s integration into the European Union and the Eurozone, reflecting the country’s economic, financial, and political ties with its European partners. Understanding the connection between “Currency: Euro” and “how large is Portugal?” provides insights into the country’s size, economic development, and global role.


Portugal’s status as a parliamentary republic is closely intertwined with its overall size and characteristics, contributing to the concept of “how large is Portugal?”. A parliamentary republic is a form of government in which the executive branch, led by a prime minister, is accountable to the legislature, which is elected by the people. This system of government has significant implications for Portugal’s size and political landscape.

Firstly, a parliamentary republic typically implies a smaller, more compact government structure compared to other forms of government, such as a presidential system. This is because the executive and legislative branches are more closely integrated, with the prime minister and cabinet members often being members of the legislature. As a result, decision-making can be more efficient and responsive to the needs of the people.

Secondly, a parliamentary republic fosters political stability and continuity. The prime minister and cabinet are chosen through democratic elections and are accountable to the legislature. This system provides a clear line of succession and prevents power from being concentrated in the hands of a single individual. As a result, Portugal has enjoyed a relatively stable political environment, which has contributed to its economic growth and development.

Moreover, a parliamentary republic promotes public participation and engagement in the political process. Citizens have a direct say in choosing their representatives through regular elections. This participatory nature of government helps ensure that the government is responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people.

In summary, Portugal’s parliamentary republic is an integral component of its size and political landscape. It contributes to a smaller, more efficient government structure, fosters political stability and continuity, and promotes public participation. Understanding this connection provides valuable insights into the functioning and characteristics of the Portuguese state.

Member of

Portugal’s membership in the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone has significantly influenced its size, economy, and global standing, contributing to its overall characteristics.

  • Economic Integration:

    Portugal’s membership in the EU has fostered economic integration with other European countries. The free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor has created a single market, providing Portuguese businesses with access to a larger consumer base and promoting economic growth.

  • Monetary Stability:

    As a member of the Eurozone, Portugal has adopted the Euro as its currency. This has brought monetary stability and reduced inflation, creating a favorable environment for investment and economic growth.

  • Political Cooperation:

    EU membership has strengthened Portugal’s political ties with other European nations. Portugal actively participates in EU decision-making processes, contributing to the shaping of European policies and enhancing its voice on the international stage.

  • Shared Values:

    As a member of the EU, Portugal is committed to upholding shared values such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. This alignment with European norms and principles contributes to Portugal’s stability and international reputation.

In conclusion, Portugal’s membership in the European Union and the Eurozone has played a significant role in shaping its size, economy, and global standing. The economic integration, monetary stability, political cooperation, and shared values associated with these memberships have contributed to Portugal’s overall development and prosperity.


Portugal’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $239.2 billion (nominal, 2022) is a key indicator of its economic size and overall development, providing valuable insights into the concept of “how large is Portugal?”. GDP measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country’s borders over a specific period, typically a year.

  • Economic Output and Growth:

    GDP is a primary indicator of a country’s economic output and growth. Portugal’s GDP of $239.2 billion suggests a relatively modest economic size compared to larger economies like Germany or the United Kingdom, but it also indicates steady economic growth and development.

  • Standard of Living:

    GDP per capita, which is GDP divided by the population, provides insights into the average standard of living within a country. Portugal’s GDP per capita of $23,200 (nominal, 2022) indicates a moderately high standard of living compared to other European countries.

  • Global Economic Standing:

    GDP also contributes to a country’s global economic standing and influence. Portugal’s GDP ranks it among the top 50 economies in the world, indicating its significant presence in the global economy.

  • Economic Structure:

    The composition of GDP can reveal a country’s economic structure. Portugal’s GDP is primarily driven by services, particularly tourism, followed by industry and agriculture. This indicates a shift towards a more service-oriented economy.

In conclusion, Portugal’s GDP of $239.2 billion (nominal, 2022) offers valuable insights into the size and characteristics of its economy. It indicates steady economic growth, a moderate standard of living, a significant global economic standing, and a shift towards a service-oriented economy. These factors collectively contribute to our understanding of “how large is Portugal?” and its place in the global economic landscape.

GDP per capita

GDP per capita is a crucial indicator that provides insights into the size and characteristics of a country’s economy, shedding light on the concept of “how large is portugal?”. It represents the average economic output per person within a country over a specific period, typically a year.

  • Standard of Living:

    GDP per capita is closely linked to the standard of living within a country. Portugal’s GDP per capita of $23,200 (nominal, 2022) indicates a moderately high standard of living compared to other European countries. This suggests that the average Portuguese citizen has access to a range of goods and services, including healthcare, education, and consumer goods.

  • Economic Development:

    GDP per capita serves as a measure of a country’s economic development. Portugal’s relatively high GDP per capita compared to other developing countries indicates that it has achieved a moderate level of economic development. This development is reflected in various aspects of the country, such as infrastructure, technology, and human capital.

  • Global Economic Standing:

    GDP per capita also contributes to a country’s global economic standing. While Portugal’s GDP per capita is lower than that of some advanced economies, it is comparable to or higher than many other countries around the world. This places Portugal in a relatively favorable position within the global economy.

  • Income Distribution:

    It is important to note that GDP per capita does not provide a complete picture of income distribution within a country. Portugal, like many other countries, may have disparities in income distribution, where some individuals or groups earn significantly more or less than the average.

In conclusion, Portugal’s GDP per capita of $23,200 (nominal, 2022) offers valuable insights into the size and characteristics of its economy. It indicates a moderately high standard of living, a moderate level of economic development, and a relatively favorable global economic standing. However, it is important to consider that GDP per capita alone does not fully capture the complexities of income distribution within the country.

FAQs on “how large is portugal?”

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding the size of Portugal, providing informative answers based on factual data.

Question 1: How does Portugal’s size compare to other countries?

Portugal’s land area of 92,212 square kilometers (35,565 square miles) makes it the 111th largest country in the world and the 21st largest country in Europe. It is comparable in size to countries like Greece, Hungary, and Austria.

Question 2: Is Portugal a large or small country?

In terms of land area, Portugal is considered a relatively small country, especially when compared to larger countries like China, the United States, or Brazil. However, it is larger than many other European countries and has a significant presence on the Iberian Peninsula.

Question 3: What is the population density of Portugal?

Portugal has a population density of around 112 people per square kilometer (290 people per square mile). This makes it more densely populated than some of its neighboring countries, such as Spain and France, but less densely populated than other European countries like the United Kingdom or the Netherlands.

Question 4: How does Portugal’s size affect its economy?

Portugal’s relatively small size can have both advantages and disadvantages for its economy. On the one hand, it allows for efficient resource allocation and decision-making within the country. On the other hand, it may limit the availability of certain resources and the potential for economic growth compared to larger countries.

Question 5: How does Portugal’s size influence its global standing?

Despite its relatively small size, Portugal has a significant global presence and influence. Its membership in the European Union, the Eurozone, and other international organizations gives it a voice on the world stage. Additionally, Portugal’s rich history, cultural heritage, and strategic location contribute to its global standing.

Question 6: Is the size of Portugal likely to change in the future?

The physical size of Portugal is unlikely to change significantly in the foreseeable future. However, its population, economic output, and global influence may continue to evolve over time, potentially altering perceptions of its size and importance.

In summary, understanding the size of Portugal involves considering its land area, population density, economic implications, global standing, and potential for change in the future. This comprehensive approach provides a more nuanced perspective on “how large is Portugal?”

Transition to the next article section:

Now that we have explored the size of Portugal, let’s delve into its rich history and cultural heritage…

Tips on Understanding “How Large is Portugal?”

Grasping the concept of “how large is Portugal?” requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some valuable tips to enhance your understanding:

Tip 1: Consider Multiple Perspectives
Analyze Portugal’s size from various angles, including land area, population density, economic output, and global influence. This holistic approach provides a more accurate representation of its size and significance.Tip 2: Compare to Other Countries
Compare Portugal’s size to other countries, both within Europe and globally. This comparison helps contextualize its physical dimensions and economic standing in relation to other nations.Tip 3: Examine Population Distribution
Understand the distribution of Portugal’s population across its territory. This will shed light on population density, urbanization patterns, and regional development.Tip 4: Explore Historical Context
Portugal’s size and influence have evolved over time. Exploring its historical context, including its colonial past and membership in the European Union, provides insights into its changing dimensions.Tip 5: Analyze Economic Implications
Consider the implications of Portugal’s size on its economy. Its relatively small size may present both opportunities and challenges for economic growth and resource allocation.Tip 6: Recognize Global Standing
Despite its relatively small size, Portugal plays a significant role on the global stage. Its membership in international organizations and cultural influence contribute to its global standing.Tip 7: Utilize Data and Statistics
Refer to credible data and statistics to support your understanding of Portugal’s size. This includes official figures on land area, population, GDP, and other relevant indicators.Tip 8: Seek Expert Perspectives
Consult experts in geography, economics, or history to gain deeper insights into the complexities of understanding Portugal’s size and its implications.


Our exploration of “how large is Portugal?” has revealed a multifaceted picture of a small country with significant presence. Portugal’s size, while relatively modest in global terms, belies its rich history, cultural heritage, and global influence. Its strategic location, membership in the European Union, and vibrant economy contribute to its standing on the world stage.

Understanding the size of Portugal requires a comprehensive approach, considering various dimensions and perspectives. By examining its land area, population density, economic output, and global influence, we gain a more nuanced appreciation of its size and significance. Portugal’s relatively small size presents both opportunities and challenges, but its resilience and determination have shaped its journey throughout history.

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